Nate, by Oliver (age 7), San Rafael, CA

Greasle, by Oliver (age 7), San Rafael, CA

Aunt Phil, by Oliver (age 7), San Rafael, CA

Obediah, by Oliver (age 7), San Rafael, CA

The Basilisk and Nate Fludd, by Edward Wozniak (age 8)

Cornelius, by Josh (age 6), Austin, TX

Frozendorf, by Ingunn (age 7), Austin, TX

Greasle, Mr Sylvim and beasts, by Jonathan (age 6), Austin, TX

Wyvern, by Harris (age 7), Austin, TX

Nate, by Madilyn (age 7), Austin, TX

The Unicorn, by Sarah (age 7), Austin, TX

Unicorns, by Miles (age 7), Austin, TX

Beast, by Flynn (age 6), Austin, TX

The Phoenix, by Nina (age 6), Austin, TX

Greasle, by Lorelei (age 7), Austin, TX

Greasle, by Lyla (age 6), Austin, TX

The Unicorn, by Tessa (age 7), Austin, TX

Nate and the Unicorn, by Ingunn (age 7), Austin, TX

Greasle, by Miles (age 7), Austin, TX

Nate and Aunt Phil, by Gia (age 6), Austin, TX

Obadiya, by Kiersten (age 7), Austin, TX

Unicorn, Obadiya and Greasle, by Trentyn (age 7), Austin, TX

The Phoenix, by Brandon, Austin, TX

Phoenix, by Edward (age 7), Philadelphia, PA

Greasle, by Vivian (age 7)

The Unicorn, by Henry (age 7)

Books 1 and 4, by Max (age 7)

The Unicorn's Tale, by Annika (age 7)

The Phoenix, by Annika (age 7)

Nate, Greasle and beasts, by Ryan (age 7)

The Phoenix, by Nicolas (age 6)

The Unicorn, by Nicolas (age 6)

The Basilisk, Wyvern and Unicorn, by Gavin (age 7)

The Unicorn's Treasure, by Madeline (age 7)

Nate, Greasle and Aunt Phil, by Kinsey (age 7)

Greasle, by Emalee (age 7)

The next book? The Goblin's Mansion!

Sheep, the Basilisk, Cornelius, Greasle, by Finn (age 7)

The (Darn) Phoenix, by Henry (age 7)

Flight of the Phoenix, by Samuel Goodell

The Wyvern's Treasure, by Samuel Goodell

Nathaniel Fludd, by a student of Lakeview Union School, Greensboro, VT

Greasle, by a student of Lakeview Union School, Greensboro, VT

Flight of the Phoenix, by a student of Lakeview Union School, Greensboro, VT

The Basilisk's Lair, by a student of Lakeview Union School, Greensboro, VT

The Unicorn's Tale, by a student of Lakeview Union School, Greensboro, VT

The Wyvern, by Adi Ella Vannice (age 7), Olympia, WA

Nate, Aunt Phil, Cornelius and Greasle, by Kiara Hicks

Greasle, by Gabriel (age 7)

The Dodo, Nate, Aunt Phil and Greasle, by Grier (age 7)

Nate and beasts, by Rafael (age 7 and a half)

Greasle, by Katy (age 7)

Greasle, by Pablo (age 7)

Nate and the Phoenix Egg, by Avery (age 6)

Greasle, by Avery (age 6)

Greasle, by Mariana (age 7)

The Wyvern's Treasure, by Holden (age 7)

By Christopher

A Wyvern, by Ben (age 7)

A Wyvern and Nate, by Tommy (age 8)

The Phoenix, by Tristan (age 7)

The Phoenix, by Alex (age 7)

By Natalie (age 7)

Cornelius, by Grier (age 7)

By Arjun (age 6)

A Phoenix Egg, by Dalyla (age 7)

The Unicorn, by Katy O'Shea (age 7)

Morgan Tuttle (age 7)

The Phoenix, by Noah Rodriguez (age 9)


Paper Bag Puppets by Hill Elementary School 1st grade students, Austin, TX

Greasle, by Heath (age 7), Austin, TX

Greasle, by Mark (age 6), Austin, TX

Phoenix, by Heath (age 7), Austin, TX

Nate and Greasle, by Heath (age 8), Austin, TX

Greasle, by Alayna (age 7), Austin, TX

Nate and Greasle, by Cash (age 8), Austin, TX

Nate, Aunt Phil and Greasle, by Jake (age 7), Austin, TX

Nate, by Jake (age 7), Austin, TX

Nate Fludd and 2 Greasles, by Toby Gibson (age 5), Charlottesville, VA

The Guivre and Aunt Phil, by Charlie Gibson (age 6), Charlottesville, VA

Greasle, by Charlie Gibson (age 6), Charlottesville, VA

Nate Fludd, by Jason (age 8)

Greasle, by Leizadre (age 7)

Greasle, by Kristi (age 7)

The Unicorn, by Lauren (age 7)

Greasle, by Gracie (age 7)

The Unicorn, by Luciana (age 6)

The Wyvern, by Brianna (age 7)

The Unicorn, Nate and Greasle, by Brianna (age 7)

The Wyvern, by Sonali (age 6)

Greasle, by Sonali (age 6)

The Basilisk's Lair, by Liam Clark (age 7)

The Wyvern, by Nico (age 7)

The Unicorn, by Zelalai (age 7)

Greasle, by Owen (age 7)

The Phoenix, Tyson and his house, by Tyson (age 7)

Greasle, by Kaden (age 6)

The Unicorn's Tale, by Lily Costello (age 9), Prince George, BC

Greasle, by Brett J. (age 11), Waco, TX

Cornelius, by Brett J. (age 11), Waco, TX

Aunt Philomena, by Cadence M. (age 8)

Aunt Phil and Nate looking at the map, by Bennett H. (age 9)

The Phoenix, by Alvin C. (almost 3rd grade), Hidden Oak Elementary, FL

The Lawyer, by Boris

Greasle, by Lauren

Nate and Unicorn, by Fiona M. (age 7), Denver, CO

Nate Fludd and Greasle, by Marygrace Froehlich (age 8)

Norbert Fludd, by Charles Ludington (age 7)

Greasle, by Sofia Fennell (age 6)

The Indican Unicorn, by Hayden Gantt (age 9), Lincolnshire, IL

The Basilisk, by Scotty

Greasle, by Peyton Finch (age 10

Guivre, by April Klein (age 9)

The Phoenix, by Jack (4th grade), Josiah Bartlett Elementary School, NH, USA

Greasle, by Emma (4th grade), Josiah Bartlett Elementary School, NH, USA

Greasle, by Becca (4th grade), Josiah Bartlett Elementary School, NH, USA

Greasle, by C.J. (4th grade), Josiah Bartlett Elementary School, NH, USA

Wyvern, by Ryan D. (4th grade), Josiah Bartlett Elementary School, NH, USA

Greasle, by Mackenzie (4th grade), Josiah Bartlett Elementary School, NH, USA

Greasle and Nate, by Samantha Murphy (age 10), WI, USA

The Basilisk, Nate and Aunt Phil, by Jeremy Trane (age 11), Ireland

Nathaniel Fludd and Phoenix, by Daniel Grau (age 8)

The Wyvern and the Phoenix, by Colby (age 9), MA, USA

The Wyvern and Sheep, by Joshua (age 9), MA, USA

The Wyvern and Nate, by Mitchel (age 8), MA, USA

Merlina, by Zoe (age 8... almost 9!), MA, USA

Phoenix, Unicorn, Greasle, Wyvern, Basilisk and Cerberos, by Jessica (age 8), MA, USA

Greasle, by Brett (age 9), MA, USA


Cornelius, by Quentin (age 8), MA, USA

Cornelius, by Ashley (age 9), MA, USA